Thursday 10 January 2013

Yer acksual mull ee cull sheral Bri'ann

News today that Birmingham, Luton and Leicester no longer have a majority white population may have sown fear in the hearts of Daily Mail readers, but not me.

Ever been to these places? Ever thought, "Oh, Luton is such a paradigm of picturesque tranquility, a joy to behold and just the place to see out the winter of my years"?

No. I thought not. The fact is, in places like Bristol, which boasts something in the region of 25,000 failed asylum seekers, is and always was and always will be a shit hole. Of course, it is their own fault. Bristol council is full of credulous lefty idiots and their MPs are just as bad. I know, I lived there for 15 years, right next to the road where the animal rights nutters exploded a car bomb and injured a baby. It all thrives there and Bristol people deserve what they get. Somehow, the council tends to regard all these people as heroic and people being people, the City is a magnet for all those types you would really want to avoid.

But back to the Daily Mail and the fear. Or, if you are a leftie, the Phobia.

The time will come of course when the sheer weight of numbers begins to undermine democracy. But thankfully it will be severely limited to the kind of places that most people will avoid.

I used to think that demographic inevitability would undermine our democracy and to some extent it will, but in the end, if people who refuse to become British take over Birmingham, Luton and Leicester (and that by no means means all non-white citizens) they will always remain a minority by virtue of our First Past the Post voting system. Thank God.

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